Your Host

If someone would have told me, Beth Reichert, that at 50 I’d be living in Mexico running my own vacation rental business, I would have chuckled and said, “I wish”. But, that  is exactly what happened!

I’m originally from the Chicago area, about 60 miles south and grew up on a farm. I”ve always liked nature, adventure and travel. I was 6 when I took my first road trip with my Grandmother across country on Route 66 to Arizona.  From that moment on, I loved to travel and explore. It was during that summer that I visited Mexico for the first time; the border town of Nogales. Sitting on a burrow with a sombrero getting my photo taken was the start of my love affair with Mexico. I still love burrows…as you can see….
Needless to say as an adult;  many of my travels were to this fascinating country. I’d dream and scheme about how great it would be to live there someday.  Of course all the while thinking  that “someday” would never really come.

But then that someday arrived. What at first glance was the worst day of my life…being let go from the company I had worked at for 17 years was actually a wonderful gift.   Suddenly a huge door opened  and I choose to pass through it and make my daydream a reality.

My poor family!  “Beth, you are moving to Mexico?” “Are you crazy?”   “Well, maybe just a little.”

I purchased Villa Casa Terramar in 2010 and then added Casita Tortuga in 2015. When I think back to my first year here…oh my…fun, exciting, challenging, and the list goes on.  I’ll say one thing it wasn’t dull and that still holds true.  I look around and say thank you every day!

Vacation time is precious. You work so hard to have time away which is why I enjoy making that time away as wonderful as possible for my guests. Whether you are a first time visitor  to Mexico and have a million questions or you are seasoned traveler who  just wants to know the best taco stand, I’m here and willing to share all that this magical town has to offer. 

I hope you choose to stay with us.
Cold cervezas will be waiting.

Have questions or want more information, please feel free to send me a note.
Reservations/get in touch