If you are reading this, that is good news as it means that maybe you are thinking about traveling.
Looks beautiful, doesn’t it?
Maintaining Villa Casa Terramar in tip top shape and providing our guests with sparking clean units has always been a personal priority for me. Now with Covid-19 it has become a critical point for all of us.
I want, you, our guest to know that we are doing everything possible to make you comfortable, to make things easy for you and to help you stay healthy. For this reason, we will be implementing the recommended practices from the CDC and other best practice suggestions for vacation rental properties and I”m throwing in a few of my own.
These new measures will include the following:
1) 24 hour waiting/air out period between guest stays. Of everything we are doing, I think this is one of the most important as it helps not only protect you but our staff as well and gives us ample time to do what is needed.
2) After our units are cleaned of normal dust and dirt, each will be sanitized using bleach on all kitchen and bath surfaces, door knobs, switches etc. Basically, anything that you can touch will be sanitized with bleach as long as it won’t hurt the surface. All other surfaces will be sprayed with lysol or similar product; including mattress, pillows, other soft surfaces, wood dressers, desks etc.
3) Sofia our housekeeper will wear gloves and a mask for all cleaning before and during your stay.
4) In your arrival information and during your check in, you will be given what day your unit will cleaned. This way you can be out and about enjoying yourself while your unit is sanitized mid-stay.
5) A bottle of Lysol or similar product will be in your unit so you can also sanitize as you wish. Spray away baby!
6) Hand sanitizing gel will be provided in each unit. I’m buying in bulk so please bring your small bottle to refill as needed and help us to reduce plastic waste:)
7) Forgot to bring extra masks…no worries we will have you covered. No pun intended.
If you have any questions or concerns regarding this, please let us know. You can reach me here.
We are looking forward to having you as our guest for some much deserved “time away”.